Talk Title: The Metaverse as an Hypothetical Exercise

Abstract: Metaverse is a gradient. Some understand it as if people might choose to spend 24/7 inside a Virtual Reality headset. That means most of the Maslow pyramid needs would need to be supported inside these platforms. And despite that might turn out to not be true that people spend 24/7 inside a headset. Only the hypothetical exercise is already very important to see what could go wrong but also what are the actual needs of users when they start wearing HMDs as consumer products.

In this talk we will go around these possible needs for the future users and discuss what’s missing on the pipeline to get there.

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Talk Title: A Path for a Metaverse Standard

Abstract: A standard is often a challenging undertaking because of the need to reconcile diverse requirements from the potential user communities and the adoption of competing technologies.

Metaverse standardization is more challenging than most because there is no agreement on what a metaverse actually is, the large number of potential user communities and their often unexpressed needs, and the immaturity of some enabling technologies and their fast evolution.

While the identification of user needs is important, it is possible to inquire about the basic nature of metaverse, develop a methodology, functional requirements, and specify a flexible platform open to expect sweeping requirements and technologies.

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